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Working in the art studio…

Foil Bead Necklace

How do you make a foil bead necklace?  Roll up balls of foil, spray painting them gold, and then thread them with a large needle to make a necklace.  You can mix in some other beads of your choice.


Look at our robots made with cardboard, tin foil, paint and glitter!  Now we are working on a solar system mobile with felted rocks.


North, South, East and West

Here are some compasses that Roan and I are working on…we should be finished next week!

Silk-screening T-shirts

We cut designs out of white paper to use as a stencil for our silk-screened T-shirt.  First we used yellow and layered pink and then green!!!  They turned out great!

Article on

Hello everyone-
Here is an article that was recently published about the art program!   Pass is along!

Matt Mason – MTM Photography
Thu, April 1, 2010 at 9:00 am

This FCS Art Classpast week was the beginning of the spring session of Arts and Crafts Classes at Fremont Community School. This is a drop-in program offered Monday through Thursday. Taught by Julia Freeman, a professional artist with training and recognition both home and abroad. Originally from Kansas City, Freeman now lives here in Seattle and recently received her MFA in Fibers from UW. Freeman developed this arts program from the ground up and takes pride in working with each child to bring out their innate talents.

The kids get to use all sorts of art media and design principles. The day I visited was Batik egg decorating. They also showed me the marionette puppets they had constructed the week before. They also get into painting, sculpture, sewing, drawing, and construction just to name a few.

The class are based on themes which rotate daily. This round of classes features Alien Monday, Wild Invention Tuesday, Passion for Fashion Wednesday, and Mosaic Madness Thursday. Running from 3:45 to 5:45 for ages 5-10.

ClassesFCS Art Class are $25 a piece or you can buy 5 for $110 or 10 for $200. Your first class is free.

After this spring session wraps up on May 28th it is off to Summer Camp. Fremont Community School offers nine week long camps and one two week camp. These are Monday through Friday from 9am to 1pm. Running the gambit from Beaches to Comic Books and Art Journals to Treasure Hunts, these classes offer a great mind expanding summer activity for your child. Camps are $195 per child per week with discounts for multiple weeks.

For more information visit the FCS Arts and Crafts Blog

Name Aliens

During our class “The Aliens are Coming” on Monday afternoons, we made name aliens by folding a piece of green paper in half, writing our name on the crease and then cutting it out.  We got some really crazy aliens!  After making our aliens, we worked on making the planets that they lived on along with spacecrafts, stars and other neighboring planets.  Check out Naomi’s alien and her planet!

Wooden Spoon Puppets

This was a very hard project!!!  And the last project in the Puppet Parade class on Wednesdays.  Lots of stringing, glueing, and sewing.  But we all ended up with a really cool wooden spoon puppet. 

I was sick!

I got the cough that has been going around and had to cancel my Wednesday class.  Sorry if I messed up schedules!  Hope everyone has a great and sunny weekend!  See you next week.

Below is a picture of a magnetic whale that Noah made during a class last week!